Friday, February 27, 2009

asthma part2

How doctors diagnose asthma?

Many people with asthma are diagnosed with the condition of children when they are, but some do not know they were in their teens or even later. In the diagnosis of asthma, the doctor will ask about any concerns or symptoms you have, your past health, your family, health, medications you take, allergies you have and May of other issues. This is called the medical history.

The doctor will also perform a physical examination. May he or she recommend you take some tests. The tests that doctors use to diagnose asthma include spirometry (pronounced: rah-spye-Müh-tree) and peak flow meter tests which involve blowing into devices that measure how the lungs are doing . May Your doctor also recommend allergy tests to see if allergies are causing your symptoms, or perform a test to see if your asthma symptoms May be caused by physical activity. Doctors sometimes use X-rays in the diagnosis of asthma, but usually only to exclude other possible problems.

May your doctor refer you to a specialist for diagnosis and treatment of allergies. Physicians who specialize in treating asthma include those who have been trained in the areas of allergy, immunology (how the immune system), and pulmonology (conditions that affect the lungs).
How is it treated?

There is no cure for asthma, but the condition can be managed and epidemics can be prevented. Asthma is treated in two ways: by avoiding potential triggers and with medication.

Adolescents with asthma should avoid what causes your symptoms. Of course, some things that can cause symptoms can not be completely avoided (like catching a cold!) But people can control their exposure to certain triggers such as pet dander, for example.

In the case of asthma, the trigger (physical activity) should be managed rather than avoided. Exercise can help a person stay healthy in general, and doctors can help athletes find treatments that allow them to participate in their sport.

The doctors treat each case individually, asthma due to the severity of each person of what triggers asthma and the symptoms are different. For this reason, doctors have a variety of drugs for the treatment available to them. Most medications for asthma are inhaled (which means that a person takes the drug inhaled into the lungs), asthma medications, but may also take the form of tablets or liquids. They fall into two categories:

* Rescue medications that act quickly to halt asthma symptoms once they begin. Some medications can be used as needed to prevent asthma symptoms (such as wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath) when a person their opinion. These medications work quickly to stop the symptoms, but are not sustainable. Also known as "relief", "fast" or "fast-acting" medications.
* Controller medication management and prevent asthma symptoms occur first. Many people with asthma need to take medication every day to monitor the general condition. Controller medications (also called "preventive" or "maintenance" of the drugs) work differently from rescue medications. Addressing the problem of inflammation of the airways rather than the symptoms (coughing, wheezing, etc.) that cause. Controller medications to slow and may take days or weeks to start working. Although May you not notice that they work the same way as rescue medications, regular use of drug control should reduce their need for relief. Doctors also prescribe drugs as a controller in order to minimize permanent lung changes that May be associated with asthma.

Some people with asthma rely only on rescue medications, other drugs used for rescue and controller medications to keep your asthma under control in general. Each person must work in close collaboration with a physician to create an action plan for asthma that is good for them.

In addition to avoiding the treatment of symptoms and triggers, people with asthma usually need to monitor their condition to prevent outbreaks and help doctors adjust medications if necessary. Two of the doctors to give people the tools to do this are:

* Peak flowmeter. This handheld device measures how a person can blow air through the lungs. A peak flow meter, which falls in the meter readings of green (or good) zone means the airways are open. A reading in the yellow zone means that the potential for an asthma attack asthma. A reading in the red zone indicates that asthma is serious and could mean that the person needs medication or treatment immediately - maybe even a visit to the doctor or the emergency room. Adolescents who take daily medication to control their asthma symptoms should use a peak flow meter at least once or twice a day and still have symptoms.
* Asthma newspaper. Keeping a journal can also be an effective way to help prevent problems. A record number of daily readings of peak flow meter, times when symptoms appear, they take medicines can help to develop appropriate medical treatment methods.

Dealing with asthma

The best way to control asthma is prevention. Although medications can play a key role in the prevention of epidemics, environmental control is also very important. Here are some things you can do to prevent it from coming into contact with allergens or irritants that cause epidemics of asthma:

* Keep the workplace free of potential allergens. For example, if the dust is a trigger for you, vacuum (or remove) rugs and drapes where dust mites can hide. Placing pillows and mattresses in the dust covers can help. If pets trigger your symptoms, keep a homeless pet. If you can not part with Fido or spongy, keep some rooms available and pets bathe your pet frequently to get rid of dandruff.
* Pay attention to the weather and take precautions when you know weather or air pollution conditions May affect you. May you have to stay indoors or limit the exercise of indoor activities.
* Do not smoke (or if you are smoking, stop smoking). Smoking is always a bad idea for the lungs, but it is particularly bad for someone who suffers from asthma.
* Be smart about exercise. This is an excellent way to keep body and mind healthy, so if you are prone to asthma caused by exercise of the homes, talk to your doctor about how to manage their symptoms. If you have an outbreak during a match or training, stop what you are doing until the home is authorized by or rescue medication. When the symptoms have disappeared, you can start exercising again.

Asthma should not prevent you from doing what you want! Of course, it takes a little work (and memory!), But if you follow your action plan for asthma, take your medications correctly, to recognize the symptoms and triggers, and contact your doctor regularly you can do nothing to make other teenagers. This includes all sporting activities, including skiing, swimming, or playing basketball.

Bell's Palsy part 2

How is it diagnosed?

If you have symptoms of Bell's palsy, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

The doctor has a medical history and perform a thorough examination to eliminate other possible causes of your symptoms. The doctor will want to know over what period of time developed any symptoms, if you have any disease or trauma, and if you noticed any other problems such as weakness or paralysis in other parts of your body.

Talk to your doctor if you experience problems with double vision or trouble swallowing or if you recently injured your face or head. Due to conditions more severe than Bell's palsy, such as injuries, can cause facial paralysis, it is important to mention the other problems you notice in May.

There is no specific test for Bell's palsy, although a doctor can test for Lyme disease, herpes virus (HSV), or other infections. Some infections, like Lyme can be treated, but in most cases, the virus that caused May Bell's palsy in the first place, has generally adopted.

If the doctor suspects another cause of the symptoms of a person, he or she May use imaging tests such as X-rays, computed tomography (CT) analysis and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to research within the body and look for other problems. Some doctors recommend May electromyography (EMG), which tests how well muscles respond to nerve signals.
How is it treated?

For the symptoms of Bell's palsy to improve, the nerve must be renewed, and can only occur over time. However, some doctors prescribe drugs in May to reduce inflammation. If a person with Bell's palsy can not close one eye completely, the doctor prescribed drops in May, an eye patch and eye protection to a person more comfortable and to prevent damage to the cornea.

Although May seems alarming at first glance, most people with Bell's palsy recover completely within 1 to 3 months. A few people are left to the permanent facial weakness after recovery of Bell's palsy, though.
Take care of your

It is important to eat well and get a lot of sleep when you have Bell's palsy. Good nutrition and rest will help your body as it heals.

One of the hardest things about Bell's palsy can be treated with the emotions that accompany it. To begin with, Bell's palsy in May simply afraid. And because of Bell's palsy on how your face looks like a moment, you feel self-conscious or embarrassed May in public. Even his close friends in May fancy what they think is a good way of nature, but if it is deemed detrimental to you, they say. Let people know why your face looks the way it is done. Bell's palsy is not contagious, so no one can catch you, and nothing you or any other person who caused this to happen.

It is a condition often Bell's palsy, you can find your friends really are. Rely on people you know, you can offer the best support - your closest friends, family or a school counselor, for example. In a few months, you should return to his former self.

Bell's Palsy

Bell's palsy is weakness or temporary paralysis of muscles on one side of the face. These muscles are controlled by the facial nerve. Because there is a facial nerve on each side of the face of a person, and Bell's palsy usually affects only one nerve, people with Bell's palsy will likely notice stiffness or weakness on one side of the face.
What is the cause of Bell's palsy?

When the facial nerve is functioning properly, a series of messages from the brain to the face. May these messages say a lid to close, on one side of the mouth to smile or frown, or salivary glands of the spit. Facial nerves also help our bodies than tears and taste of favorite foods. But if the nerve is compressed and swells, as is the case with Bell's palsy, these messages are not transmitted properly. The result is weakness or temporary paralysis of muscles on one side of the face.

Bell's palsy is most often linked to a viral infection such as herpes (the virus that causes cold sores), Epstein-Barr (the virus that causes mononucleosis), or influenza (flu). It is also associated with the infectious agent that causes Lyme disease. Of course, this does not mean that all those who have a viral infection or Lyme disease develop Bell's palsy - most people do not. But for some people, the immune response to viral infection leads to inflammation of the nerve. As the swollen, compressing the nerve that passes through a small hole in the base of the skull, causing the symptoms of Bell's palsy.

Bell's palsy can affect people of all ages, but is more common in adults. People with diabetes and pregnant women are more likely to develop Bell's palsy.
What are the signs and symptoms?

Symptoms of Bell's palsy usually appear 1 to 2 weeks after a viral infection. Symptoms tend to appear quickly - usually Bell's palsy has reached its worst point in 48 hours. A few hours or days before Bell's palsy develops fully, May some people have headaches or pain behind or in front of the ears. May notice a person of a part of his face droops or feels hard. May some people only notice a slight weakness, while others May not be able to go on this side of his face at all.

Other symptoms of Bell's palsy include:

* Difficulty in closing eyes all the way
* Drought in one eye
* Problems of taste in the front of the tongue on the affected side
Changes in the amount of saliva or drooling
* Listen to sounds that seem higher than normal in one ear

Bell's palsy affects only the face, so if a person has symptoms of weakness or other body parts, the problem has another cause.

Anemia part 2

What are the symptoms?

It is easy for people to ignore the symptoms of anemia, it often happens gradually over time. Looking pale can be a sign of anemia because fewer red blood cells circulating in the blood vessels. The heart beats faster in an effort to pump the same amount of blood and oxygen to the body, so that the momentum of May is faster than normal.

As anemia progresses, a person May feel tired and shortness of breath, especially when climbing stairs or working on. May they develop headaches. Iron deficiency, which occurs before iron deficiency anemia develops, may affect the person's ability to concentrate, learn and remember.

Anemia is not contagious, so you do not understand that someone who has.
How is anemia diagnosed?

If you consult a doctor for suspected anemia, he or she will probably give you a physical examination. The doctor will also ask about any concerns or symptoms you have, your past health, your family, health (for example, if someone in your family has anemia), medications you are taking, allergies, and May you have other questions. This is called the medical history.

As part of this medical history, your doctor May ask questions about the food you eat. If you are a girl, the doctor in May ask questions about their periods, such as how the current is strong, when you got your first period, the frequency of menstruation, and for many days.

If your doctor suspects that you are anemic, he or she will probably take a blood sample and send it to a laboratory for analysis. This will determine, among other things, the number, size and shape of red blood cells, the percentage of blood, which is composed of red blood cells, and the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. With this information, a doctor can determine if a person is anemic and May to other tests (like measuring iron), depending on the suspected cause of anemia.
How is anemia?

Treatment of anemia depends on what is causing it. If anemia is caused by iron deficiency, your doctor will probably prescribe an iron supplement to be taken several times a day. May your doctor do a blood test after being on iron supplements. Even if the tests show that the anemia has improved, you may to continue taking iron for several months to replenish the body's total iron.

Because some people get nauseous if they take an iron supplement on an empty stomach, can help to take with food. Vitamin C increases iron absorption, so drink a glass of orange juice or grapefruit when you take your iron. You can increase the chances that the iron you get from food is absorbed by the body in other ways, too. For example, avoid drinking tea with food because a substance called tannin in tea reduces the body's ability to absorb iron found in food or iron supplement. Milk can also interfere with iron absorption, so do not pair milk with iron-rich foods if you are interested in obtaining enough iron.

Some people need more iron than others: need more girls than boys, for example. And a girl who has heavy periods has a greater need for iron than a girl who has a luminous flux.

To ensure that you get enough iron, eat a balanced diet every day, starting with a breakfast that includes a source of iron as an iron-fortified cereal or bread. Lean meat, raisins, spinach, eggs, dried beans, and molasses are also good sources of iron.

If someone of anemia is caused by other medical conditions, doctors treat the cause. People with certain types of anemia will need to see a specialist, called the hematologist, who can provide medical care for their needs.

The good news is that for most people it is easy to treat anemia. And in a few weeks you'll have your energy.

what do you know about anemia?

Perhaps the day is so full of things that make you just have time for breakfast, let alone make sure you are eating well the rest of the day. Maybe until the end of your stay at home and lost sleep you need. The fact is that many young people are tired. And with all the requirements of the school and other activities, it is easy to understand why.

For some people, however, it May be another explanation of why they feel exhausted: anemia.
What is anemia?

To understand the anemia, it helps to start with breathing. The oxygen we breathe does not stop in our lungs. It is necessary for our body to nourish the brain and other organs and tissues that allow us to operate. Oxygen travels to these organs by the blood - especially in red blood cells.

Red blood cells or erythrocytes are produced in the body of the bone marrow and act as vessels, transporting oxygen throughout the rivers of blood. Red cells contain hemoglobin (pronounced: hee-Müh-bin-gloss), a protein that is oxygen. To make enough hemoglobin, the body needs to have a lot of iron. We get this iron and other nutrients needed for red blood cells for food.

Anemia occurs when the person has less than normal RBC. This can happen for three main reasons:

1. Red blood cells are being lost.
2. The body is slower than the production of red blood cells should.
3. Red blood cells are destroyed by the body.

Each of these causes is linked to other types of anemia:
Blood loss

When a small amount of blood is lost, the bone marrow can not replace a person without being anemic. But if a large amount of blood lost during a short period of time, what can happen if someone has an accident or injury, for example, bone marrow May not be able to replace red blood cells fairly quickly.

Losing a little blood over a long period of time could also cause anemia. This can occur in girls who have heavy menstrual periods, especially if you do not have enough iron in their diet.
Iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia in the United States adolescents. Occurs when the power of a person lacking in iron. Iron deficiency - when the body stores iron reduction - is the first step toward anemia. If the body iron is not replaced at that point, continuing iron deficiency can cause the body to normal production of hemoglobin to decrease. When the hemoglobin level and the production of red blood cells falls below normal, a person is said to anemia. A person suffering from anemia pale in May and May seem to be tired all the time.

There are other reasons why someone nutritional body can not produce enough RBC. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are also needed for red blood cells, it is important to get enough nutrients in their diet. If bone marrow is not functioning properly because of an infection, chronic illness or certain medications like chemotherapy, anemia can develop.
Hemolytic anemia

In a person with hemolytic (pronounced: hee-Müh-LIH-tik) anemia, the normal life of red blood cells is shorter than normal. When cells die prematurely, the bone marrow is unable to keep pace with production. This may occur for a variety of reasons. May a person has a disorder like sickle cell anemia or sphenocytosis. In other cases, the immune system can cause destruction of red blood cells. The antibodies may be formed in response to certain infections or medications that attack the RBCs by mistake.
Why teenagers have anemia?

Given that adolescents go through rapid growth surges, May they be at risk for iron deficiency anemia. During a growth spurt, the body has a greater need for all types of nutrients like iron, we must enter into the food we eat.

After puberty, girls are at increased risk of iron deficiency anemia, which are boys. This is because a girl needs more iron to compensate for the loss of blood during menstruation. Pregnancy can also cause a girl to develop anemia. And a teenager on a weight loss may be much less than iron.

Vegetarians are more at risk of iron deficiency anemia than people who eat meat are. Red meat is the richest and best source of iron absorbed. Although there is little iron in cereals, vegetables and some fruits and beans, there is less of it. And iron in these food sources is not absorbed by the body as easily as the iron in meat.

Poison Ivy

Leaves of three - they are! You've probably heard that little rhyme about poison ivy. But did you know that poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac all contain the same substance that causes the rash? It's called urushiol (pronounced: yoo-roo-Shee-ol), a color, an odor of oil (called resin) contained in the leaves of plants.
What are the signs and symptoms of Poison Ivy?

Urushiol is considered an allergen because it causes an allergic reaction - which takes the form of a rash, itching, swelling, and sometimes. Not everyone is a reaction to urushiol, but about 60% to 80% of people do. This reaction can occur within hours of coming into contact with urushiol or as late as 5 days later. Normally, the skin becomes red, itching, swelling and blistering and published. After a few days, the vesicles May be crusty and start to flake off. The rash of people that poison ivy takes 1 to 2 weeks to heal.
Should I see a doctor?

It'sa good idea to consult your doctor for any rash, especially if you have a fever too. If your doctor determines that it was a rash caused by poison ivy or a plant, he or she will tell you in May to take cold showers and use a soothing lotion like calamine lotion. In severe cases, doctors can prescribe pills or creams that contain antihistamines or steroids (not the same type of use of steroids that bodybuilders!) To reduce itching and redness.
Can I prevent it?

Poison ivy can grow anywhere - from forest to its own backyard. And it is difficult to identify not only the green leaves of poison plants blend in with other plants and shrubs, but there are several types of poison ivy, and may vary depending on the time of year.t is also possible to get a rash from poison ivy, without venturing into the forest or in direct contact with the plant. Urushiol can be transferred from one person to another. In addition, a person who can take everything that comes into contact with oil, including pets. Urushiol can travel in the air if someone burns the plants to clean the brush.

The leaves of poison ivy plants release urushiol when they are beaten, torn, or brushed. (When the resin is released, the leaves appear shiny May or May if you see black spots of resin on them.) Once the urushiol has been released, you can easily get into the skin of a person. Here are some tips to help you avoid a rash of poison ivy:

* Learn to identify poison ivy, oak and sumac, so you can get away from them. (Be especially careful of plants, the leaves look shiny).
* Avoid areas where we know that there is poison ivy.
* Wear long sleeves and long pants when in areas where poison ivy grow in May.
* If your dog has been to explore the woods, gives a shower to remove the urushiol oil in May on his coat.

Milk allergy part 2

How can doctors determine whether a person has a milk allergy?

If your doctor suspects you may have an allergy to milk, he or she will probably refer you to an allergist or allergy specialist for further testing. The allergy specialist will ask questions. These may cover things such as how often you have the reaction, the time it takes between eating a food and the onset of symptoms, and whether family members have allergies or illness as the eczema and asthma.

The allergy specialist may perform a skin test on you. This test involves placing liquid extracts of milk protein to a person of the forearm or back, pricking the skin a little and wait to see if a red, raised spot forms, indicating an allergic reaction.

May you have to stop taking allergy medications (such as sales without antihistamines) 2 to 3 days before the skin test because it interferes with the May results. Most cold medications and some antidepressants May also affect skin testing. Check with the allergist's office if you are unsure of what drugs should be stopped and for how long.

May Some doctors take a blood sample and send it to a laboratory where it is mixed with the suspected allergen and checked for IgE antibodies.

These types of tests used for diagnosing what doctors call a rapid milk allergy. But for people whose allergic reactions to milk develop more slowly, skin and blood tests are not as useful.

In these cases, doctors try to diagnose the person using a food challenge. The person said that not eating or drinking anything made with milk for a period of time - usually a few weeks. Then, during the challenge, the person eats foods containing milk under a doctor's close supervision. If the symptoms return after eating milk products, is a safe bet that the person has an allergy to milk.
How is it treated?

To treat a milk allergy, the person is allergic to completely avoid foods containing milk or milk products.

Avoiding milk involves more than simply leave the cheese on your cheese fries. If you are allergic to milk, it is necessary to read food labels and do not eat anything you are unsure. It'sa good idea to work with a dietitian to develop a diet plan that provides all the nutrients you need while avoiding things you can not eat. See our section on living with allergies to milk (below) for more advice.

If you have a severe allergy to milk - or any kind of serious allergy - your doctor May you want to take a photo of epinephrine (pronounced: eh-neh-Puh-Frin) with you in case of emergency. Epinephrine is an easy to carry on the size of a large marker. It is easy to use - your doctor to show you how.

If you accidentally eat something with milk in it and start having serious allergic symptoms such as swelling of the mouth, chest pain or shortness of breath, can you give the shot immediately to counter the reaction while you are awaiting medical care. Always call for emergency assistance (911) when using epinephrine. You must ensure that your school, and even good friends' houses injectable epinephrine on hand, too.

Keeping epinephrine on hand at any time, should be only part of its action plan for living with a milk allergy. It is also a good idea to obtain an OTC antihistamine, because it can help relieve allergy symptoms in some people. Antihistamines should be used in addition to epinephrine and not as a substitute for the vaccine.

If you had to take a shot of adrenaline to cause an allergic reaction, go immediately to a medical center, hospital emergency room or so that you can get more treatment if necessary. Up to one third of anaphylactic reactions can have a second wave of symptoms several hours after the initial attack. Therefore, you May need to be observed in a clinic or hospital for 4 to 8 hours after the reaction.
Living with an allergy to milk

It is difficult to eliminate milk from your diet, but not impossible. Because most people do not get enough calcium in their diet, even if they do drink milk, many other foods are now fortified with calcium, such as fruit juices, cereals, rice and soybean and beverages. But before you eat or drink anything calcium enriched, make sure you are also free of dairy products.

Milk and milk products can lurk in strange places, such as processed meats. Chocolate is another product containing dairy products in May - so be sure to check the label before eating.

In January 2006, manufacturers of food products sold in the United States must indicate on their labels whether a food contains one of the most common allergens. This means you should be able to find statements like these somewhere on the label: "contains milk ingredients, ingredients of milk and treated in a facility that also handles milk products.

This new labeling requirement, it is somewhat easier than reading the ingredients list - instead they need to know that the ingredient "hydrolyzed casein" comes from milk protein, you should be able to say a glance which foods to avoid. But the government allows companies to use labels that were made before 2006, which means there is a good idea to know the code words "for milk products when you see the ingredients of a food.

Vegan foods are made without animal products such as eggs or milk. You can buy vegan products at health food stores. Be sure to read the labels of soy cheeses, though. May they say "dairy free", but they may contain milk protein.

For your sweet soy frozen desserts or rice, sorbets and desserts are good substitutes for ice cream and ice appears. For baking, milk substitutes, and the work of some milk and do better. Dairy-free margarine works as well as recipes for butter and spread on your bagel.

Milk allergy

People who do not have a milk allergy May think it is easy to avoid eating foods made from milk or dairy products. Just say no to ice cream and pizza, right? (Yes, it's easy).

But many foods are made with milk and milk products these days that people have allergies to milk attention to what is in almost everything we eat. And milk allergy is not the same as lactose intolerance - some people with food allergies can become suddenly and seriously ill if they eat or come into contact with food they are allergic to a.

Some foods that contain milk are obvious, like pizza. But others, such as baked goods, may not be so obvious. In addition, teenagers need calcium and vitamin D, which a lot of milk, because their bones are still growing. What should a person who is allergic to milk? Read on to find out.
What happens when a person has an allergy to milk?

People who are allergic to cow's milk react to one or more of the proteins inside. Curd, the substance that forms chunks of milk contains 80% milk proteins, including several called caseins (pronounced: kay-seenz). Whey (pronounced: way), the watery part of milk, has the remaining 20%. A person may be allergic to proteins in one or both sides of the milk.

When a person is allergic to milk eats a food containing dairy products, the body's immune system mistakenly sees the milk protein as dangerous "invaders." The immune system responds by creating specific antibodies, which are intended to fight against the "invaders". These antibodies - called immunoglobulin E (IgE) - trigger the release of certain chemicals in the body, one of which is histamine (pronounced: hiss - TUH-Méen).

So when a person with a milk allergy eats a food containing milk, the immune system triggers an army of chemicals to protect the body. The release of these chemicals can affect the respiratory system, gastrointestinal, skin and cardiovascular system - causing allergy symptoms like wheezing, nausea, headache, stomach pain, hives and itching.

The milk allergy is the most allergic reactions to food: Usually occurs within minutes to several hours after eating foods containing milk protein. Most reactions last less than a day and may affect one of three body systems:

* The skin - red, full of rashes (hives), eczema, or redness and swelling around the mouth
* The gastrointestinal tract - in the form of belly cramps, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
* Respiratory tract - symptoms can vary from a runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and the triggering of asthma with coughing and wheezing

Most people have reactions mentioned above, but some people may have a very strong reaction called anaphylaxis (pronounced: ah-Nuh-Fuh-lak-sis). This severe allergic reaction causes swelling of the mouth, throat and airways leading to the lungs, resulting in an inability to breathe. There is also a dangerous drop in blood pressure, which can make someone dizzy or faint, and can rapidly lead to shock.

The people often confuse milk allergies with lactose intolerance because people can have the same kinds of things that happen to them (like stomach pain or swelling, for example), with two conditions. But conditions are not related. The milk allergy is a problem involving the immune system, but lactose intolerance with the digestive tract. For someone who is lactose intolerant, the digestive system does not produce enough of the enzyme needed to break down sugar in milk.

what u need to know about athma?

There are many things that seem to come naturally to some people. Perhaps you know a girl who is a physical sport - put on a uniform and beyond walking distance. Some people are natural in a game, it's as if they were born to learn to count in 4 / 4 time. Others are natural in mathematics to give them proof of theorems or equations and are happy.

But some people have a problem with something you think they come naturally to everyone: breathing. When a person suffers from asthma, can make breathing very difficult. When breathing is difficult, in May that affect his game, that trumpet solo, and even the major test of geometry.

What is asthma?

Asthma (pronounced: az-Müh) is a lung condition that causes a person to have difficulty breathing. Asthma is a common condition: More than 6 million children and adolescents.

Asthma affects a person bronchial (pronounced: brahn-kee-ul) tubes, also known as the respiratory tract. When a person breathes normally, air is taken through the nose or mouth and then enters the trachea (windpipe), through the airways in the lungs, and finally back. But people with asthma have airways that are inflamed. This means that they swell and produce large quantities of thick mucus. They are also too sensitive, or hyperreactive, to certain things, like exercise, dust or smoke cigarettes. This hyperreactivity causes the smooth muscle surrounding the airways to tighten. The combination of airway inflammation and muscle tightening of the airways narrow and it is difficult for air to move.

In most people with asthma, difficulty breathing happens periodically. When this happens, what is called an asthma attack asthma is also known as an asthma attack, flare, episode, or the aggravation.

A person having an asthma attack in May to coughing, wheezing (a whistling sound while breathing), it is breathtaking and feel an intense tightness in the chest. Many people with asthma attack compared to the sensation of trying to breathe through a straw - is extremely difficult to get air in and out of your lungs. An asthma attack can go up to several hours or more if the person does not use drugs against asthma. When an asthma attack is usually the person feel better.

Between epidemics, the breath of a May appear normal, or a person in May still have some symptoms such as cough. Some people with asthma still feel short of breath. Other people on the condition that May coughing at night or during the year in May and not having an attack.
What are the causes?

Nobody knows exactly what causes asthma. Is intended to be a combination of environmental and genetic (hereditary) factors. A young person with asthma in May have a parent or other close relative who has or had a child as asthma. May adolescents who are overweight are more likely to have asthma, although a person need not be your gain.

Asthma is not contagious, so you do not understand that someone who has.

Symptoms of asthma may be caused by dozens of different things, and causes epidemics of asthma in a person can not disturb others. Things that trigger asthma symptoms are called triggers. Some of the triggers of the town: * Allergens.Some people with asthma that allergens - certain substances that cause allergic reaction in some people - can be very relaxing. Allergens are dust mites (microscopic insects that live in dust), mold, pollen, pet dander and cockroaches.
* Air pollutants and irritants. Certain substances in the air, such as chalk dust or smoke can trigger asthma because they irritate the respiratory tract. Cigarette smoke is a major cause of asthma symptoms, and not just for smokers - smoke can trigger asthma symptoms in people who are around smokers. Scented products such as perfumes, cosmetics and cleaning solutions can cause symptoms, and strong odors from fresh paint or gasoline vapors. And some studies have shown that high levels of air pollutants such as ozone may irritate sensitive tissues in the lungs and may aggravate asthma symptoms in some people with the disease.
* Exercise. Some people have what is called asthma caused by exercise that is triggered by physical activity. Even if it can be very frustrating, most cases of asthma can be treated so that people can enjoy the sport they love.
* Time. Cold or dry air can sometimes trigger asthma symptoms in some people, such as extreme heat or humidity.
* Infections of the respiratory tract. Colds, flu and other viral infections can trigger asthma in some people.

There are many other things that can trigger asthma symptoms in people with the disease. For example, a child's asthma worse in May before your period. And laugh, cry, cry, and sometimes can cause the airways increase in sensitive lungs, causing an asthma attack

Thursday, February 26, 2009

prevention of hair loss

The most common form of hair loss in men and women is androgenic alopecia (also known as androgenetic alopecia). In men, this condition is called male pattern baldness because there is a well-defined pattern of hair loss - back in time to the formation of hair "M"-shape. Hair back not only, but also becomes more subtle, often progresses to total baldness.

As the recent study found, male pattern baldness is caused mainly by increasing the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT.) is not yet fully understand how DHT affects the scalp, but it is known that if a person is genetically prone to baldness, DHT may initiate the process called follicular miniaturization. This process can start as soon as the end of puberty. Follicular miniaturization leads the hair growing thinner and thinner until it is completely lost.

As you can prevent and reverse hair loss?

The good news is that you can prevent and reverse baldness. Since it is mainly caused by excessive amounts of DHT, the obvious solution is to reduce levels of DHT. This can be done using synthetic drugs or chemical physics.

With regard to drugs (such as Rogaine or Propecia), its efficacy is not universally accepted. And 'even synthetic chemicals, which have many side effects including gynecomastia (breast growth in men), erectile dysfunction, chest pain, blurred vision, etc.

There are alternatives to chemical drugs?

Natural hair loss treatments are an obvious alternative to drugs. Its main advantage is that it does not have side effects. Secondly, the stories of Saw Palmetto, as the treatments have been used by man since ancient times. No one would have if it had not been used efficiently? In general, we recommend natural remedies for hair loss is natural as the most effective solution for problems of hair loss

varicocele and infirtility

It 'widely believed that varicoceles are the most common cause of infertility, although this is discussed. 39% of men who are treated for infertility have a varicocele. Among those who have the father of a child, but now are unable to do so, 80% have a varicocele. The good news is that fertility can be restored when the varicocele is treated.

What is a varicocele? When the veins that lead upward from the testicles toward the heart is abnormally swollen, a way valves within the veins and it is not difficult for blood to be pumped up against gravity. Backup of blood in the veins around the testes, the extension and expansion, the formation of a varicocele. Without an adequate flow of blood, testicles are undernourished, polluted, and overheated.

Warming, is suspected of being the main culprit in male infertility. Should be 4-6 degrees cooler than sperm in body temperature. That is why the scrotum hangs below the body. In fact, a Japanese method of birth control is nothing more than for men to take hot baths a day. Some studies show that an increase in scrotal temperature of only one degree Fahrenheit can reduce fertility by as much as 40%.

Having a varicocele does not necessarily mean they have fertility problems. Only 25% of men with varicoceles have a fertility problem. In fact, many men with large varicoceles have excellent sperm counts.

Often, a problem of fertility, which seems to be caused by a varicocele is found to be caused by something else. Varicocele surgery will result in an improvement in sperm motility, and only 30% of patients. People leading infertility clinics subsidiaries contend that the evidence shows that the pregnancy rate does not improve after varicocele surgery and therefore it is better to spend your money is in your clinic for assisted reproduction "to spend their money in varicocele surgery. I am skeptical of their claims.

I found this gem in an infertility clinic website: "Today, most experts recommend infertility infertile men with varicoceles going to consider in IVF, rather than surgery for varicocele. FIV is a service offered by infertility specialists. The surgery is not the varicocele. Basically what they say is "We advise you to spend money in our services, not elsewhere."

Doctors say that after varicocele repair improves semen quality in 67% of patients with improvement in the majority of sperm motility rather than sperm. The pregnancy rate is as high as 40% after the first year and 60% after the second year, against 10 percent with a rate of pregnancy without varicoceles. The average pregnancy is 6 to 9 months after surgery.

Improvement of semen after surgery may not be immediate, as it takes 3 months from the date on which it was born a sperm until they are ready for action (70 days to 15-20 days to mature and transit through the ductal system). It takes a year to create a child. Three months in sacks after 9 months in the womb. The sperm fertilizes the eggs that may be ten years at the time of fertilization.

Several studies have shown a decrease in testosterone levels in men with varicoceles, however, is often still within the normal range.

For infertile men with low testosterone levels in serum, removal of the varicocele has been shown to improve serum levels of testosterone.

Varicoceles usually appear on the left side of the scrotum, but may involve both sides. Varicoceles are not a health risk and do not require treatment.

If you have been diagnosed with low sperm count, you should know that the semen quality and quantity are not constant and tend to vary greatly within a short period of time. Therefore, you should take several tests over a period of time prior to acceptance as a valid diagnosis.

treatment of erectile dysfunction

Although the main causes of premature ejaculation are not so clear and the condition is thought to be primarily a psychological issue, there is a way to have a good treatment of premature ejaculation. For information about how embarrassing this problem can be treated successfully, one needs to understand some facts related to ejaculation and its mechanism.

The mechanism of ejaculation is complicated and relates primarily to three simultaneous effects:

1. the emission of semen by the prostate gland (known as a doctor seminal emission),
2nd push the semen out of the prostate and penis (ejaculation)
3rd and directing the seed in one way and return in the prevention of bladder (with a mechanism that involves the closure of the bladder neck).

When there is a premature ejaculation, there is a sexual problem in either of the two thoughts that a man or a weakness of the system and reproductive organs, and therefore can not support the sperm until they actually do.

We will discuss some important issues, such as premature ejaculation treatments have been shown to help overcome the principles of a man coming.

Pressing Technique: This technique aims to address the bulbocavernosus muscle that helps to eliminate the involuntary contractions that could lead to premature ejaculation is not as big, with sexual pleasure. This technique was developed by Masters and Johnson and is used extensively throughout the world with natural pills and capsules. The person who suffers from premature ejaculation is stimulated by his sexual partners to the extent of the imminence of ejaculation, and just before ejaculation, the couple do not squeeze the base of his penis. Once the urge to ejaculate has calmed down, the process is repeated. More often, a man is able to prolong the time to ejaculation, and thus serves as a treatment for premature ejaculation.

On and Off the method: the method of starting and stopping, or also known as the method of May and outside work. To run, you must start the physical stimulation to the penis and keep it until the urge to ejaculate is felt. Then he stopped suddenly. Again, when the need is removed, the technique is performed. This is another way of premature ejaculation is an effective treatment.

The market is full of extras that can be taken to treat premature ejaculation. Products based on herbs in the form of tablets / capsules, lotions, gels, oils, creams are available for men who suffer from the first coming. A bank may not in all of them, but it might take some 'time to feed the male reproductive system and its organs. Many doctors believe the problem is premature ejaculation mental, and thus the control of the brain to help overcome. And herbs such as Ashwagandha meditation can help in the fight against sexual exploitation.

With proper treatment and conditions, premature ejaculation can be treated. In the treatment of a suitable position to make not only a happy man, but also your sex equal pleasure.

side effects of viagra

If you have erectile dysfunction or male impotence and want to take medicine to treat your disorder, first make a thorough investigation of the product or, better yet, consult a doctor about what medicine is right for you. For those who do not know what erectile dysfunction is the inability of a man to keep and maintain an erection during sexual activity. This disorder can be very embarrassing and devastating for a man. But thanks to Viagra, is no longer a problem, because it can help treat erectile dysfunction.

However, Viagra can cause some side effects, especially for some people. Here are some side effects that may be the patient experience: headache, flushing, dyspepsia, nasal congestion, urinary tract infection, abnormal vision, diarrhea, dizziness, rash, facial swelling, shock, convulsions, anxiety , asthenia, chills, abdominal pain, allergic reactions, chest pain, angina pectoris, migraine, syncope, tachycardia, palpitation, hypotension, postural hypotension, myocardial ischemia, cerebral thrombosis, cardiac arrest, heart failure, abnormal electrocardiogram, cardiomyopathy, vomiting, glossitis , colitis, dysphagia, gastritis, gastroenteritis, esophagitis, stomatitis, dry mouth, rectal hemorrhage, gingivitis, anemia, leukopenia, and many others.

There are too many side effects that Viagra can not be taken for granted or ignored. Although some of the side effects of Viagra are not as severe as others, may continue to be uncomfortable and disturbing. So, if you are taking Viagra and experience any of the Viagra side effects mentioned above, you should stop taking and consult your doctor immediately.

To avoid the side effects of Viagra living better consult a doctor and discuss with him or her to the health history and if you are taking other drugs Viagra because it contains some ingredients that can not be taken simultaneously with certain drugs.


Why do you have an adenoidectomy?
Children one or lymph glands may be infected with a throat infection and cold have to upgrade. They can block the nose and difficult to breathe, especially for sleeping children. These sleep problems, such as sleep apnea or snoring can cause. Swollen lymph glands in the neck of the middle ear is a tube that connects the back of the Eustachian tube, can block. Eustachian tube and blocking can cause ear infections and a constant ear fluid build-up and - is called glue ear. For this difficult to listen to your child's correct and as a result, can cause learning difficulties can do it. Adenoidectomy your child's ear (Grommets) by a tube to be effective in the treatment of glue ear. Swollen lymph glands frequent tonsillitis (infected tonsils) and the relevant part of an operation to remove the tonsils may be removed. Both procedures remove the adenoids and tonsils were adenotonsillectomy is one.

To prepare your child
for adenoidectomy
An adenoidectomy is usually like a day, but it is done sometimes to keep your child may be in the hospital tonight. Cold or infection in the weeks before surgery, please notify the hospital if you have a child. The operations will be postponed until the child may have become completely well. Process is always done under general anesthesia. This, children and sleep during the process to feel pain means nothing. Typically, your child food or drink during the approximately six hours before general anesthesia. Usually, the morning activities, so that your child is planned will only miss breakfast. When you come in, and children's hospitals, a nurse, the child asks questions about your general health. The nurse also checks your child has food or beverage and the child's heart rate and blood pressure was not something to measure. If the child in the past, any drug allergies or unusual reactions you need to tell the nurse if you have had. Doctors usually visit your child before the operation. This a good opportunity to ask some questions. If the child of any dental problems or bleeding in the family doctor tell you to fix a date. If your child has parental responsibility, if you may be asked to sign a form. This, risks, benefits and possible alternatives to understand the process and are approved to continue you have given permission.

Recovering after an adenoidectomy
Then home, follow your doctor about pain help. You paracetamol or ibuprofen syrup-counter pain reliever such as () on a child may, for example, Calpol or Calprofen. Comes with this medicine and may ask pharmacists for advice, follow the instructions booklet. Children under the age of 16 do not give aspirin.
This may be difficult but, for children to be thirsty to drink a lot of fluids to prevent gerekir. In addition, children for lunch. Best of all, this is easier to swallow soft foods or liquids to start with. Help your child eat more room for half an hour before cooking to give a dose pain relief. Encourage children to brush their teeth as usual is good. Your child in school for a few days rest and stay to prevent contact with possible infections. Crowded and smoky places, and also away people from children's cough and cold hold. A small nosebleed after surgery are common. But why should not be bleeding nose or sneezing. If you have any questions, if your child has any sign of bleeding in the nose or throat if you call your doctor will develop a high temperature or to the complainant about the pain worse. An activity that is a good reason Adenoidectomy and that a full and speedy recovery after your child's first lost to pain can wait. Full recovery may take two weeks

breastfeeding(advantages, disadvantages)


For your child's health benefits include:
* Good nutrition - breast milk is the best source of nutrition for the growing baby and everything your child needs for the solution is easy with * fewer infections - mothers milk antibodies against this infection ear infections, stomach upsets and includes child welfare, such as pneumonia * Reduced risk of eczema * Reduced risk of asthma * Reduce the risk of sudden infant death * Less chance of a child that the child is obese * Some studies have breastfeeding and IQ (intelligence quotient) might have suggested a link between, but this is not definitive and more research

For health benefits are: * Minor bleeding after the birth - your uterus shrinks back to normal size more quickly * Weight loss - 500 calories a day breastfeeding on the nutrition of your baby depends on how much you use * Reduced risk of breast cancer * Reduce the risk of ovarian cancer

practical benefits:
* Mother's milk for the baby the right temperature * The cleaning and sterilization of bottles and teats and appropriate is no need to worry - you just feed the children that all open * Cheap - only the cost of food and beverages * This form closer ties with you and your child a reward for you, relaxing experience may help , Exactly child (breastfeeding and breast-feeding is * 98 percent more effective than a control, but under six months but the child to eat or drink anything else) and was not the time


Trust you to do all the feeding lactation. Makes this difficult to give a break except for some parents feel it in May this (open) and a bottle so that you go out and you can get a sitter to feed or too few can do to detect breast milk can extract. Pain is not a part of normal breast-feeding, may be a problem for a start. Your breasts may be painful sometimes, and breasts may be tight. Your breasts leak milk hot bath here in May, massage, creams, breast shields and breast pads or shields, such as ways to reduce these problems. But some women have this problem with them less attractive for sex may affect the willingness to feel you can find. Although it has been more accepted in general that I feel uncomfortable breastfeeding mothers can eat comfortably here in May and the baby in general there is room

why skin cancer is still so much ?

The cause of skin cancer and melanoma is not entirely in the sun. If our ancestors had not survived and we would not be here. It was almost unimaginable 100 years ago, was more and more slowly in the last 40 to 50 years. Cases of melanoma has doubled in the UK during the past 30 years. The sun was strong and not the ozone layer remains intact, but the food we consume on a daily changed. This is the sun, along with the nutritional deficiency that causes skin cancer. It is the irritation caused by the burning sun to determine if the cancer is taken, but the lifestyle and nutrition that makes you grow, it continues to reappear after treatment. The only way to cure all skin cancers or melanomas are to address the underlying causes.

Cancer is not 100 different diseases that we have to believe, but an illness in over 100 locations. All cancers are the most common causes. Remember that many people get skin cancer in areas of the body that does not see much sun as the soles of the feet or palms of hands. The people of skin cancer of the skin and skin of people. The reasons why a person develops cancer are well known, and to heal all these questions, you should respond.

The causes are the lack of fruits and vegetables, the use of many toxic chemicals, many of which are known to be carcinogenic, our sedentary lifestyle, that because, in our defense system built in what is ours immune system has become slow and finally, the emotional stress has an important impact on human health, including cancer.

Melanoma can be very aggressive if you want to heal themselves, they must meet all the above factors. Today, eating many foods that are unfit for human consumption. For example, processed foods that contain almost all the fat, salt or refined sugar and 3 of these elements contribute to cancer are known. Toxic chemicals we use every day are mostly in personal care products are absorbed by our body through our pores. So we can thank the ever car for our lack of exercise. Exercise is necessary to rid the body of toxins, and stimulates the immune system of the important role more effectively.

Emotional stress or unresolved conflicts and not let a problem that could be the loss of a close friend, a crisis or bankruptcy can have a significant effect on the immune system and cancers are all just a disease of the immune system is weakened.

There is no mystery about the causes of skin cancer or any other cancer. If you want to achieve a cure, it is important to eat fresh food grown in a newspaper that is of utmost importance to remove all toxic chemicals, and exercise. If you're in the sun, use a little common sense and cover during the hottest part of the day. This is the only way to break free of the disease .... for good!

Skin cancer and melanoma is preventable and curable diseases, and our approaches to modern medicine are not necessarily the most effective method for patients with cancer cure.

Alan Wighton is an independent health researcher, having spent many years learning, especially in the field of cancer. If you found this article helpful and want more information, visit their website where you can download an article that was written with facts and information to help people overcome their cancer.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

treatment of bronchial asthma

Who is most likely to suffer from asthma?

Asthma is a worldwide disease, more common in urban and rural areas account for about 25 percent of all non-tuberculous chest diseases. Can occur at any age, but in 50 percent of patients, often started early. It is more common in men than in women, but at the age of 30 years, the incidence is equal. 25 to 30 percent of asthmatic children recover spontaneously during adolescence, while a few years later was recovered. Asthma occurs during adult life is more serious. Attacks are more frequent and prolonged.


With the advances in methods of treatment, the life expectancy of asthmatics were significantly increased compared with the past. The management of bronchial asthma includes a specific treatment for the removal of the cause and symptomatic treatment.


If the cause of asthma may be discovered, every effort should be made to provide complete and permanent disposal. If the patient develops symptoms of allergy such as rash, itching, and itchy nose, and its potential allergens (substances that cause allergies) should be identified. Its elimination is the most effective way to control allergic asthma. If this is not possible, desensitization with allergen specific extract should be tried. In many cases of allergic asthma, the specific allergen is not identifiable and antiallergic drugs are tried. Some patients have benefited from seasonal asthma temporarily move to another city before the start of the season, but this is not always feasible.

If the infection is the cause, the person should be protected from stress and stress due to extreme weather conditions. Frequent attacks of cold can cause asthma. Intensive treatment with antibiotics should be started immediately. The most common offending organisms are pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae. In these infections, broad spectrum antibiotics such as amoxicillin, ampicillin or Cefuroxime is generally effective.

Symptomatic treatment

Drugs used to provide symptomatic relief are those that prevent or cause bronco-bronchospasms expansion. These can be divided into two groups: 1) for the treatment during the acute attack, and 2) for the prevention of asthma and chronic heatment.

Acute Attack

Beta adrenergic receptors: receptor-SIMULATORS: Salbutamol (Asthalin, Bronkotab, Ventrolin), terbutaline (Bricanyl), Adrenalina

Stimulation of beta-adrenergic receptors in the lungs causes relaxation of the bronchioles and opens the airways of the respiratory tract. Salbutamol and terbutaline are most effective.

Salbutamol (Albuterol)

Is the most commonly used for drug production expansion of small airways in asthma. Acute attack is given by inhalation (patient inhales the drug from a deep inspiration with the nose pinched, training is necessary to optimize the results). Two types of inhalers available.


It was time to test the "gold standard" for the resolution of acute attack of bronchial asthma. However, why disturb the heart rhythm is rarely used and its use should be avoided. For the same reason it is used today isoprenaline.

By direct action of drugs: Theophylline, aminophylline, Deriphylline

Its preparation and theophylline, aminophylline, causes dilation of the bronchioles with direct action. Contains theophylline and aminophylline ethylenediamine as solubilising agent is very often used to provide immediate relief during an acute attack of bronchial asthma. In this condition, aminophylline is a well-diluted solution intravenously. Theophylline is also orally with ephedrine and other drugs for the prevention of recurrence of asthma attacks. These are discussed at the end of this chapter. Theophylline is more effective when administered at night to avoid the occurrence of attacks at night.

Dosage: The average daily dose of oral theophylline is 100 to 200 mg 3 to 4 times a day. This is not generally tolerated by most patients. To provide immediate relief, aminophylline, which contains 250 mg of theophylline, diluted in 20 ml of5% glucose and injected intravenously, very slowly, over a period of 5 to 10 minutes. Deriphylline cause less gastric irritation and is better absorbed.

Adverse Effects and Precautions: Theophylline is irregular and absorbed an effective dose given by mouth causes irritation in the gastro-intestinal tract. Therefore, never be taken on an empty stomach. The most common side effects are nausea, anorexia and vomiting. A very rapid intravenous injection undiluted theophylline may cause a sudden drop in blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and heart.

Tonsillitis ,causes,picture&treatment

Tonsillitis Definition: Refers to tonsillitis inflammation of the pharynx tonsils.The inflammation may involve other areas of the back of the throat including the adenoids and tonsils tonsils.The languages are lymph nodes, or oval-shaped masses gland of the lymphatic tissue, which is on both sides of my throat. An infection of the tonsils is called tonsillitis.

There are several variations of tonsillitis: acute, chronic and recurrent tonsillitis and peritonsillar abscess. This swelling is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Tonsillitis is the name given to swollen, red and tender tonsils.

Tonsillitis is usually self-limiting condition, namely that it is better without treatment, and generally there complications.Tonsillitis is very common in children and young people, but can occur at any age. The characteristics of the disease are pain in the throat and difficulty swallowing.

Tonsillitis usually begins with sudden sore throat and painful swallowing.

The causes of tonsillitis:

Some causes of tonsillitis includes:

Streptococcus and glandular fever

When tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, the most common type of bacteria that causes tonsillitis are streptococci.

Glandular fever is a viral disease which can cause tonsillitis, but there are many other viruses that also can be responsible.These includes: herpes simplex virus, Streptococcus pyogenes (GABHS) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus, adenovirus, and the measles virus.

The following are the most common symptoms of tonsillitis:

* Tonsillitis causes include viral infections such as influenza, common cold, mononucleosis. Streptococcus is the most common bacterial cause. Bacterial tonsillitis can be treated with antibiotics, but viral tonsillitis can not.
* Tonsillitis is most commonly transmitted from one person to another by social contact such as coughing, sneezing, and nasal fluids.
* Only 30% of tonsillitis in children is caused by STREP throat.
* Only 10% of adults are caused by strep.
* There will be pain in mouth with swallowing.
* Headache
* Loss of appetite is a common symptom of tonsillitis.
* There will be no high temperature during tonsillitis.
* Vomiting
* Abdominal pain
* In tonsillitis, will be white or yellow spots of pus on the tonsils.
* Mal throat - some children complain of pain in her stomach, rather than a sore throat.
* Swollen lymph glands under each side of the jaw.
* Earache
* Headache
* Bad breath

Herbal Treatment for tonsillitis:

Some herbal treatments for tonsillitis includes:

Gelsemium 6C: is a popular herb for treatment of tonsillitis. It is mainly used for the healing process of the tonsils.

Belladonna 30C: A homeopathic remedy used for quick relief of acute fever, pain, headache, sore throat, swollen tonsils, dry cough.

Gallium aperine: (also known as blades): It is an excellent cleansing tonic and has a beneficial effect on all the lymph nodes, including the tonsils. Aperine gallium is effective in reducing swollen tonsils and other lymph nodes and also recommended for glandular fever.

Salvia officinalis: It has a beneficial effect on all conditions of the mouth and throat and is well-known herbal astringent, antibiotic and antiseptic properties.

Home remedies for tonsillitis:

* Take aspirin if you are an adult, acetaminophen, if you're a child, to help numb the throat.
* Stay hydrated. Drink iced beverages or suck on popsicles. Frozen liquids help numb the throat. Try hot tea with honey, and broth.
* Get plenty of rest.
* Avoid smoke and other irritants snuff.
* Greek Fieno Seeds: A gargle made from the seeds of Greek hay is very effective in severe cases of tonsillitis.

what do you know about Eczema?

What Is Eczema?

Eczema is a common skin problem,but first you need to know more about your skin which protects your organs, muscles, and bones and regulates your body temperature, can run into plenty of trouble. Acne occurs when your pores become clogged.Also zits aren't the only skin problem you may encounter.Maybe you tried a new type of soap and developed an itchy rash this may just be eczema in action.
Eczema is a group of skin conditions that cause skin to become red, irritated, itchy, and sometimes develop small, fluid-filled bumps that become moist and ooze.Many many forms of eczema exist but atopic eczema is one of the most common and severe.We don't know exactly what causes atopic eczema, also called atopic dermatitis , but we think it could be a difference in the way a person's immune system reacts to things.allergies of skin may be involved in some forms of eczema.
You're probably not the only person you know who has Eczema ,so please not worry and be too much scared .It isn't contagious like a cold, but most people with eczema have family members with the condition.We it's inherited or passed through the genes. In general, eczema is fairly common — approximately 1 in 10 people in the world will be affected by it at some point in their lives.Allergies may bring on or worsen eczema.

Signs and Symptoms

Many triggers, or irritants, may cause or worsen eczema flare-ups and the itchy patches of eczema usually appear where the elbow bends; on the backs of the knees, ankles, and wrists; and on the face, neck, and upper chest — although any part of the body can be affected.
Skin may feel hot and itchy at first. Then, if the person scratches, the skin may become red, inflamed, or blistered.If you scratch your skin so much it becomes almost leathery in texture.Others find that their skin becomes extremely dry and scaly. Even though many people have eczema, the symptoms can vary quite a bit from person to person.
next article will take more deep look about Eczema

genetic mosaicism

Mosaics and chimeras are animals that have more than one genetically distinct population of cells

Cytogenetic Mosaics

The term mosaic is usually applied to animals, which is more than one-cytogenetically distinct cell populations. For example, in human mosaic, some cells may be 46, XX and 47, XXX. Part of the cells of each genotype is very variable, reflecting during early embryogenesis of the mosaic of origin. In most but not all cases, the mosaic can be found in the cells of all tissues. What is the clinical significance of mosaicism? If the proportion of cytogenetically abnormal cells in the mosaic is very important, this person will disease manifestations. Conversely, if the abnormal cells are relatively low compared with cytogenetically normal cells, normal cells may be sufficient to prevent disease or reduce its severity. For example, most people with Turner syndrome (monosomy X chromosome) die before birth. Many people who survive Turner mosaics are a significant part of the normal cells (eg 46 XX/45 XO mosaics).

X chromosome mosaicism

In early embryogenesis in mammals, but all have functional X chromosome inactivated through the process of inactivation of chromosome X. Since the inactivation occurs at random, normal all women have approximately equal populations of two genetically different cell types and are therefore a mosaic. In about half of their cells, paternal X chromosome is inactivated, and the other half of the maternal X chromosome is inactive. This has several important biological and medical implications, especially in terms of X-linked genetic diseases. Cats provide a unique opportunity to observe the inactivation of chromosome X and to help visualize how it affects all women. Tortiseshell cats as shown below, have a coating that is a mixture of black and orange hair. American cats are similar, but they also have white spots, which is encoded by a gene. Gene coding for the orange layer is X-linked (which is on chromosome X). Black is coded with co-dominant alel on chromosome X, or, more likely, an autosomal gene that is masked by the orange gene. For explanation, we will consider the orange gene (O) and non-orange alel (v) to be X-linked. Normal males have one X chromosome and can carry or O or O gene, causing them to have a black coat and orange, respectively. Female cats, with two X chromosomes may be one of the three genotypes in comparison with orange gene: OO (orange jacket), OO (black cloak) and Oo (tortiseshell or America). The reason for the fine tortiseshell orange spots and black reflects the structure of X chromosome inactivation in the hair follicles. In black, wore orange X chromosome is switched off alel and X chromosome in non-orange alel is active. Just the opposite is also present in patches of orange fur. In the randomness of X chromosome inactivation is clear - there are relatively large patches of black and orange (for 5 pieces in a row when Display coins), but most of the layer is a perfect combination of orange and black (head, tail, tails, heads tails ...). And what if you're interested in cat coat colors? Maybe not even like cats. Understanding of this information is still important? Yes! Pattern of X chromosome inactivation as seen in black and orange coat of fur of cats tortiseshell present in all tissues of all mammals. This model is usually not visible, as, for example, human skin colors are not encoded by genes associated with X. However, understanding and X chromosome inactivation mosaicism is very important in all species for understanding the pathophysiology of X-linked genetic diseases.

In mythology, A chimera is a monster of a fire made in the breath of a lion head, goat body and tail of the snake. In medical science, A chimera is a person with more than one genetically distinct population of cells that come from more than one zygote.

Premenstrual syndrome(Treatment)


Many of the women with PMS, believing to be a natural part of women. But there is much you can do to help reduce mild to moderate symptoms. Independence If the maintenance of the symptoms of the calendar, you believe that his physical or mental symptoms associated with the term, you may already have crossed the first hurdle. You can now predict more accurately how to feel at certain times of the month, this can help you as follows: To avoid stress at home or at work during the days of the main Identify all the emotional triggers that make symptoms worse Some women find that PMS symptoms improve if they took regular exercise and eat healthy, rich and varied diet, fruits and vegetables and full of carbohydrates, with limited caffeine, alcohol and salt .. There is no evidence to support this hypothesis, but life and good health habits and to foster a sense of well being. It is reasonable to try some painkillers if you experience Premenstrual headaches, back or other pain. Over the counter analgesics among which those that I usually headaches, can help. Access to the advice of your race or pharmacist before using excessive - drugs always follow the directions on the package. Some women found that taking vitamin B6 and is a useful supplement. There is no scientific evidence that these actions are limited, but high doses can damage the nervous system. Do not take more than 50 or 100mg of vitamin B6 and supplements each day, and if you have questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or race. You may have to try many of the measures of self-help to find what is effective for you.

If you have symptoms that disrupt your life and it did not improve with self-help measures and consideration of race to see for your advice. And can do tests to exclude other diseases that can cause your symptoms. If the diagnosis of PMS, the race can be your medicine, and this depends on the type of symptoms you have. If you are one of the small proportion of women who have PMDD, and the characteristics of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may be effective, such as fluoxetine (Prozac). Despite the presence of anti-depressants drugs, fluoxetine seems to have positive effects on both the physical and behavioral symptoms of PMS data. You can have side effects of this drug, such as: * Difficulty sleeping * Severe fatigue * Feeling sick * Vomiting * Diarrhea or constipation If self-medication and treatment and SSRIs do not reduce your symptoms, your doctor may be different types of medicines. This could be a hormonal therapy or drugs that target specific symptoms. Some of the options listed below. * Pill to prevent ovulation by oral and can help with some symptoms, despite the research and documentation of this is limited. This is only relevant if you are not trying to become pregnant. Apart for some people, side effects of the pill is very similar to PMS. * Called Progesterone Hormone therapy may help to balance the volatility levels of the hormone in the weeks leading up to this period for you. However, there is insufficient research evidence to determine whether this treatment is an effective treatment for most women of their potential side effects, including drowsiness and changes in the length of your menstrual cycle. * Mefenamic acid is a kind of recipes that can help the mother painful PMS symptoms. * Diuretic (water pills) such as Spironolactone can help to relieve symptoms such as breast tenderness and blowing.

Premenstrual syndrome(symptoms,causes and diagnosis


More than 100 symptoms associated with PMS. Symptoms can be grouped into emotional, behavioral data and physical categories.

Psychological and behavioral data symptoms that may include:

* Concern
* Mood swings
* Fatigue
* Lack of concentration
* Irritability
* Aggression
* Depression
* Ingenuity

Physical symptoms that may include:

* Headache
* Feeling bloated
* Weight Increase
* Breast tenderness
* Lower back or abdominal pain


Nobody knows the exact cause of PMS, but the theory is that PMS women are particularly sensitive to the different levels of hormones in the body at certain times of the month. It is possible that these hormones also interact with the body, mood control and chemicals (such as serotonin in the brain.


There are no specific tests that can diagnose PMS. Your doctor will usually be based on the diagnosis and description of your symptoms and when they arise.

If you suspect you have PMS, and the preservation of the notes of your symptoms for two or three menstrual protection method cycles before this race. This will help you and your doctor to see if the symptoms associated with your menstrual cycle. National Association for Premenstrual Syndrome The diary on the internet, you can create a chart to fill out your personal symptoms.

It is very important to distinguish between PMS and other problems that can cause similar symptoms of physical or psychological, because it would be different.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What Is Sinusitis?

If you felt bad or congested, waking with a headache, and a notice swelling around the eyes, it is possible that the sinusitis. Sinusitis can be uncomfortable and even painful at times, but usually not serious.
What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis is the medical term for inflammation (irritation and swelling) of the sinuses. It is usually caused by infection.

The sinuses are moist air spaces in the bones of the face near the nose. The frontal sinuses are in the area near the eyebrows, the maxillary sinuses are located inside the cheekbones, Åre ethmoid sinuses between the eyes and the sphenoid sinuses sit behind the ethmoid sinuses.

When we are healthy, our sinuses are filled with air, making our facial bones less dense and much lighter in weight. Sinuses also play a role in how our voices sound.

Infection by viruses or bacteria - or a combination of both - sinusitis can cause. Normally, someone with a cold also has inflammation of the sinuses. This is viral sinusitis. Allergies can also lead a person to develop sinusitis.

When nasal congestion (weight) associated with the common cold or allergies does not allow the sinuses to drain properly, bacteria can become trapped inside the sinuses, leading to bacterial sinusitis.

Bacterial sinusitis tends to make a sick person the impression that the viral sinusitis. Someone with bacterial sinusitis usually will have more pain and swelling of the face of someone with viral sinusitis, and can also develop a fever.
The signs and symptoms of sinusitis

Some of the signs that someone may have bacterial sinusitis are:

* A stuffy or runny nose with a cough lasting 10 days to 14 days or more without improvement
* Discharge of mucus from the nose (which can produce both viral and bacterial, but the discharge continued thick sinusitis is more likely that bacterial sinusitis)
* The persistence of pain or swelling around the eyes
* Tenderness or pain in or around the cheekbones
* A feeling of pressure in the head
* A headache when you wake up in the morning or at the address above
* Bad breath even after brushing teeth
* Pain in the upper teeth
* A fever over 102 degrees Fahrenheit (39 Celsius)

Some people also have dry cough and difficulty sleeping. Others were nausea or upset stomach.

Although several of these symptoms are similar to those available from the virus or allergic rhinitis, sinusitis (inflammation of the nose and sinuses due to allergy), it's a good idea to see your doctor if. Viral sinusitis and allergic rhinitis are more common, but often bacterial sinusitis should be treated with antibiotics, and can not get these with a doctor's prescription.
How is it treated?

If your doctor prescribes antibiotics for bacterial sinusitis, you may need to take up to 3 weeks. Your doctor will also prescribe a decongestant in May to all forms of sinusitis. If your sinusitis is the result of allergies, your doctor may recommend that you take an antihistamine every day too.
Can I prevent sinusitis?

You can reduce your risk of getting sinusitis by making some simple changes in their environment. Try using a humidifier during stop cold dry air from irritating your sinuses, which may render them more vulnerable to infection. Clean the humidifier regularly because mold, which can trigger allergies in some people, forms easily in moist environments.

If you have allergies, make an extra effort to control them, because they can make a person more vulnerable to developing a sinus infection.

Although sinusitis is not contagious, which in turn, is often preceded by a cold, which may extend to family members and friends. The most effective way to prevent the spread of germs is to wash hands frequently and thoroughly. Avoid scarves, and try to stay out of the line of fire when someone sneezes.
What can I do to feel better?

If your doctor has prescribed antibiotics or other medications, be sure to follow the instructions carefully. Sinusitis can be difficult to remove and can return if it is not the first time. Even if you feel better, it is important to continue taking antibiotics until the completion of their course prescribed by your doctor. This helps to kill all the bacteria causing the infection.

Get plenty of rest and fluids to the body's immune system can work with antibiotics to fight infection.

Taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help relieve pain and inflammation. A cold mist humidifier to relieve your sinuses May. Warm compresses usually help with facial pain. Some doctors suggest saline (salt base) non-prescription nose drops to keep nasal passages moist.

The most important thing to remember about sinusitis, although the odds are of the type that is not serious, it is always important to consult a doctor. Doing so in turn has a bacterial infection, treatment can help prevent the spread of infection or ill, and help you more quickly.

Allergies part 2 avoidance, diagnosis and treatment


Avoiding the allergen is a life-saving necessity in some cases of food allergies,because unlike allergies to airborne particles that can be treated with shots or medications, you can only treat food allergies by avoiding the allergen entirely.
Avoidance can help protect people against non-food or chemical allergens, too. and maybe enough to prevent allergy symptoms and patients don't need to take medicines for it and here are some tips to avoid airborne allergies:
-Keep family pets out of certain rooms.
-Don't hang heavy drapes, and get rid of other items that allow dust to accumulate.
-Clean regularly the living space.
-Use special covers to seal pillows if you're allergic to dust mites.
-If you're allergic to pollen, keep windows closed when pollen season's and change your clothes after being outdoors.
-Avoid damp areas and if you have mold allergy keep bathrooms and other mold-prone areas clean and dry.

How Do WE Diagnose and Treat Allergies?

If your doctor suspects you might have an allergy, he might refer you to an allergist, a person who specializes in allergy treatment, for further testing.The specialist will ask you questions both about your own allergy symptoms and about whether any family members have allergies.
The allergist will also do tests to confirm an allergy which will depend on the type of allergy a person has and may include a skin test or blood test.


Although medications can control the allergy symptoms , they are not a cure and can't make the tendency to have allergic reactions go away.Your doctor can help you to identify those medications that work for you.
Epinephrine is a type of medication that some severely allergic people will need to have on hand ,it's a fast-acting medicine that can help stop an anaphylactic reaction.It comes in an easy-to-carry container that looks like a pen by prescription only.
Allergen immunotherapy or what is known as allergic shots work by the injection of small amounts of an allergen,so your body can gradually develop antibodies and undergo other immune system changes. It is only recommended for specific allergies like pollen or pet dander or insect allergies.Although many may find the idea of allergy shots scary, shots can be highly effective and it doesn't take long to get used to them.Some times it's found that the longer a person receives allergy shots, the more they help the body build up antibodies that fight the allergies.

Dealing With Allergies

First and foremost, try to avoid things you're allergic to and learn how to read food labels to make sure you're not consuming even tiny amounts of allergens.For environmental allergies, keep your house clean of dust and pet dander and watch the weather for those days when pollen is high.Also switch to perfume-free and dye-free detergents, cosmetics, and beauty products which can be called hypoallergenic .
If u take medications be sure to follow the directions carefully and that your regular doctor is aware of anything an allergist gives you.
Finally, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) report that more than 50 million Americans are affected by allergic diseases so you are not alone at all and that doctors and scientists are working all the time to better understand allergies,and to improve treatment methods.