Friday, February 27, 2009

Anemia part 2

What are the symptoms?

It is easy for people to ignore the symptoms of anemia, it often happens gradually over time. Looking pale can be a sign of anemia because fewer red blood cells circulating in the blood vessels. The heart beats faster in an effort to pump the same amount of blood and oxygen to the body, so that the momentum of May is faster than normal.

As anemia progresses, a person May feel tired and shortness of breath, especially when climbing stairs or working on. May they develop headaches. Iron deficiency, which occurs before iron deficiency anemia develops, may affect the person's ability to concentrate, learn and remember.

Anemia is not contagious, so you do not understand that someone who has.
How is anemia diagnosed?

If you consult a doctor for suspected anemia, he or she will probably give you a physical examination. The doctor will also ask about any concerns or symptoms you have, your past health, your family, health (for example, if someone in your family has anemia), medications you are taking, allergies, and May you have other questions. This is called the medical history.

As part of this medical history, your doctor May ask questions about the food you eat. If you are a girl, the doctor in May ask questions about their periods, such as how the current is strong, when you got your first period, the frequency of menstruation, and for many days.

If your doctor suspects that you are anemic, he or she will probably take a blood sample and send it to a laboratory for analysis. This will determine, among other things, the number, size and shape of red blood cells, the percentage of blood, which is composed of red blood cells, and the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. With this information, a doctor can determine if a person is anemic and May to other tests (like measuring iron), depending on the suspected cause of anemia.
How is anemia?

Treatment of anemia depends on what is causing it. If anemia is caused by iron deficiency, your doctor will probably prescribe an iron supplement to be taken several times a day. May your doctor do a blood test after being on iron supplements. Even if the tests show that the anemia has improved, you may to continue taking iron for several months to replenish the body's total iron.

Because some people get nauseous if they take an iron supplement on an empty stomach, can help to take with food. Vitamin C increases iron absorption, so drink a glass of orange juice or grapefruit when you take your iron. You can increase the chances that the iron you get from food is absorbed by the body in other ways, too. For example, avoid drinking tea with food because a substance called tannin in tea reduces the body's ability to absorb iron found in food or iron supplement. Milk can also interfere with iron absorption, so do not pair milk with iron-rich foods if you are interested in obtaining enough iron.

Some people need more iron than others: need more girls than boys, for example. And a girl who has heavy periods has a greater need for iron than a girl who has a luminous flux.

To ensure that you get enough iron, eat a balanced diet every day, starting with a breakfast that includes a source of iron as an iron-fortified cereal or bread. Lean meat, raisins, spinach, eggs, dried beans, and molasses are also good sources of iron.

If someone of anemia is caused by other medical conditions, doctors treat the cause. People with certain types of anemia will need to see a specialist, called the hematologist, who can provide medical care for their needs.

The good news is that for most people it is easy to treat anemia. And in a few weeks you'll have your energy.

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