Tuesday, February 24, 2009

prevention of peptic ulcer

Healthy lifestyles can reduce the symptoms of peptic ulcer, and we must keep ourselves away from spicy foods, coffee and alcohol, smoking, paracetamol and NSAIDs to lose more weight, although some drugs overweight.A will require your doctor to reduce the amount of acid produced by stomach.There two this.One medicine has been so-called H2-blockers such as ranitidine (Zantac) and cimetidine (Tagamet). Other known as Proton pump inhibitors appear to be in-powerfuly to reduce gastric acid. These are omeprazole (Losec) and lansoprazole (ZOTON).

If a person is found positive with H. pylori, you will need some tablets prescribed to get rid of it. In most cases, treatment is a combination of three drugs: a Proton pump inhibitor and two antibiotics, taken daily for a week.The persistent ulcer symptoms after a trial in which H. pylori was found leads further research, such as gastroscopy or barium swallowing.

There are also cases in which severe peptic ulcer caused serious problems, in particular the drilling of the stomach or duodenum. Pain is due to the need for emergency treatment. Well known complication is bleeding ulcers. In this case, appear the following symptoms: vomiting fresh red blood, vomiting, or dark brown, containing fragments of older blood, blood that is usually dark red and black in the stool, tarry stool.

Of anemia may be caused by slow bleeding ulcer, in which red cells can be found in small numbers, and then are unable to carry oxygen in the body. The reduction in the duodenum sometimes leave scars produced by the ulcers heal.

Actually surgery is very rarely necessary for peptic ulcers.Severe complications may occur such as bleeding from an ulcer or perforation of the lining of the stomach or duodenum, the resolution, perhaps with some development of peritonitis surgery.The need hospital emergency shelter. By gastroscopy certain processing operations of ulcer bleeding is necessary, but a sedative may be given.

To avoid surgical procedure to protect themselves and with the occurrence of peptic ulcer should be careful what kind of food that weat and also for a healthy lifestyle.

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