Asthma is very common these days than it used to be years ago for many reasons we talked about them in previous article.There is also a good news which it is more easy control and treat asthma these days.
you're probably used to seeing people take a break from sports to use an inhaler or take a moment after school to test their airflow with a peak flow meter. But even though asthma is a part of so many people's daily lives, there are times when they can feel annoyed or frustrated at having asthma — just as they get annoyed or frustrated by anything else.
Different people have different reactions to the ways that asthma affects their lives. For example, some worry that they might have to avoid all physical activities — even those approved by their doctors — and miss out on fun. Others go to the opposite extreme, denying they have asthma at all and maybe forgetting or refusing to take the medications that can control it. Still others find that asthma is a convenient excuse to get out of chores or gym class.
Taking Action
If you have asthma and don't want it to have control over you, take control first.
The best tool for controlling asthma is something your doctor gives you called an asthma action plan. Following all the steps described in an action plan allows people with asthma to enjoy daily activities just like everyone else.
Your asthma action plan offers you the best protection against potentially dangerous (not to mention embarrassing) episodes — such as having an asthma attack at a party where people are smoking.
Unfortunately, people may not always stick with their plan for lots of different reasons. Maybe they forget to take medications. Perhaps they don't completely understand why they're supposed to take certain steps or medications. A few might feel embarrassed about checking their airflow or using an inhaler in front of others. And some may mistakenly think they don't need medicine after they start feeling better — putting them at risk for potentially dangerous flare-ups.
Here are some simple steps that can help you get around these common problems:- Understand your plan. Ask your doctor to explain why each medication and step of the plan is important. You'll feel more in control if you understand exactly what's going on and what will happen if you follow (or don't follow) your plan. Check in with your doctor often and go over the plan, explaining where you may have had trouble with it and why.
- Use asthma management tools. Even if you're feeling absolutely fine, don't abandon tools like daily controller medicines and peak flow meters if they're a part of your treatment plan. Although it can be tempting to skip recommended daily meds and rely only on occasional rescue medicines, this usually doesn't work.
- Set up a schedule. It can be easy to slip up and forget to take a medication — but this is less likely to happen if you follow the steps on your action plan at the same time every day. Make your medicine part of your daily routine, like brushing your teeth.
- Don't smoke. Cigarette smoke is a common cause of asthma aggravation in teens. Talk to your parent or a doctor about how to quit if you smoke. If your friends smoke, don't stand nearby when they light up because secondhand smoke is a common trigger of asthma attacks. If someone in your family smokes, talk with him or her about quitting.
- Control your environment. Environmental triggers, such as dust mites and pet dander, can be hazardous if you have asthma. If you have pets, keep Fido or Fluffy out of your room. Also, try to keep your room dust free by cleaning it regularly, and talk to your doctor about using special mattress and pillow covers.
- Find a sport or activity that works for you. Some sports, such as swimming and baseball, are less likely to trigger asthma flare-ups. Other sports may be more challenging for people with asthma, like endurance or cold-weather sports. Many athletes have found that with proper training and medication, they can participate in any sport they choose. Sports can boost your mood — a great help for those times when you may feel frustrated about having asthma.
Using a management plan to deal with asthma is good for more than your health. Getting used to following an asthma action plan can give you the discipline to stick with a plan and succeed in other areas of life as well.
Take the “ ALLERGY “ > Out of Your > Allergic ASTHMA !
ReplyDeleteDisarm the ALLERGY “Triggers” in Your Allergic Asthma Gun !
65-70 % of ALL ASTHMA = Allergic ASTHMA.
UnTreated > Progression of ALLERGY Disease = Major Cause of Allergic Asthma ( See Allergy March ).
ALLERGY = Major CAUSE > Driver / Trigger for Allergic Asthma Attacks.
If You have Allergic Asthma….
And are NOT Neutralizing Your Allergy Disease Source with
Drug Free, Under-the-Tongue ImmunoTherapy DROPs….
Is Like….
Trying to Put a Gasoline / Allergic Asthma FIRE Out…
But the Gasoline / Allergen Hose is Still Pumping Gas !
Neutralize Allergies > No Allergy Symptoms / Complications
> Reduce, Eliminate Attacks / Improve ASTHMA
>> 3 ALLERGY Treatment Options / Only 1 SOLUTION !
>> Option #1) Allergen Avoidance
Numerous Articles have presented data which state that > Major Allergy Allergens which include: Cat, Dust, Mites, CockRoach etc are basically Omni-Present in today's contemporary society.
Sure they can be mitigated in an indoor setting...
( to some degree.. but who are we fooling ? )
To suggest Allergen Avoidance to an Allergy or Allergic Asthma Sufferer
Is asking them to ….
Live Their Life in a Bubble (Ouch ) > Which is Highly Impractical.... If not > Impossible !
>> Option #2 )
Take Allergy Medications…. For the Rest of Your Life ( Ouch ! ) !
We all know that Allergy Med's only Mask Allergy Symptoms.
They do not Address / Neutralize the Allergy Disease Process / Source.
ALLERGY is a Cumulative > Progressive Chronic Inflammation, Auto-Immune Disease.
While an Allergy or Allergic ASTHMA Suffer continues to " Try" to control their Allergies via Med's....
Allergy Disease Source Continues / Exacerbates...
Leading to unabated Disease Progression and a LifeTime, Slippery Slope of
further recalcitrant Diseases, Health Complications and Compromised Quality of Life !
Thus Said...
>> SOLUTION ! > Option # 3 ) Allergy ImmunoTherapy
Asthma programs that Address / Neutralize / Treat > Environmental Triggers work best …….
According to an International Study of over 400 Asthma Programs.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency funded the $700,000,
three-year study completed by the University of Michigan School of Public Health.
>> “ Old School” Allergy SHOTs > Replaced >> By “ New School” Allergy DROPs !
NOW, from the Patient Convenience and CARE Synergy of YOUR trusted Personal, Primary Physician...
You can be Allergy Blood Tested ( Single Draw ) ( covered by Medical Insurance )
for the most common Seasonal & Year-round Allergens specific to YOUR Geo-Region ( approx. 45 ).
Then once your Offending Allergens are Identified….
Your Physician can Prescribe the only Clinically Proven form of Therapy
known to Stop / Neutralize Your Allergy Disease Source and Stop it's Progression ...
Allergy ImmunoTherapy.
Your Physician can prescribe Daily, Under-the-Tongue ImmunoAllergy DROPs
which contain FDA Approved pure extract of What You are Allergic To !
Slowly over Time,
Concentrations are Increased.. allowing your Bodies Immune System to ReCaliberate itself ..
Neutralizing your Allergy Disease at the Source ..
Producing Lasting, if Not LifeTime Benefits.
To have Allergic Asthma ( or Allergies ) and NOT Neutralize Your Allergies with ImmunoTherapy ...
will only allow your Allergy Disease Source to Continue it's
ALLERGY March...and with it,
it's Lifetime > Slippery Slope of Disease Progression.
Place your ALLERGY or Allergic ASTHMA Loved One
Firmly on the Path to a Life of Allergy Relief from Symptoms and Complications
with the ONLY Form of Therapy
that is Clinically Proven, Neutralizes the Allergy Disease Source and
prevents the further Progression of Allergic Diseases
such as Allergic Rhinitis / Hay Fever and Allergic Asthma ….
Custom Formulated >>> Allergy ImmunoTherapy DROPs
> KID Friendly > Under-the-Tongue ImmunoTherapy DROPs / $ 1.00 / Day !
> or Traditional Injection ( Ouch ! ).
Suggest > Visit >
Say NO To Your ALLERGY / Allergic ASTHMA Triggers ToDay !
Do NOT Forget the other Side of the Allergy Coin
> TEST / Identify / Know / TREAT Your Immediate & Delayed FOOD Allergies
Principal of > Primary PHYSICIAN > supporting Your “ Just Around the Corner” trusted Primary Dr. with:
>> Enviro / InHalant Allergy “Single Draw” Blood Testing specific to Your Geo-Region ( Insurance Covered )
>> IgE Immediate & IgG4 Delayed > FOOD Allergy Blood Testing ( Insurance Covered )
>> Patient Specific > Custom Formulated Enviro ImmunoTherapy Vaccine ( Under-the-Tongue DROPs or Injection )
>> FREE Patient Specific > Custom FOOD Allergy DIET Plans based on Your FOOD Allergy Test Result…